"My lord," said D'Artagnan, "will lend his, which is of no use to him, to the Comte de la Fere."
When Terpnus nodded his approval, Nero smiled and called out, "My lords, of your kindness, lend me your ears," the performer's traditional opening.
Oh, and Their Majesties might want to ask the loyal lords to lend them a few knights, dear, and any extra soldiers they might happen to have lying around.
When my lord desired an excel- lent musical instrument, he could not go to them, but had to trade with a hawkman who had a connection across the curtain.
My lord, the King demands seven hundred marks, Lent at the siege of Thoulouse by the King.
So, lord, I ask thee wilt thou lend me the sword and give me the loaf, that I may help both thee, and the Burg, and me?
If what you say is true, my lord, you could lend me an escort at once, that I might return to my dear father forthwith.
Wormtongue still says that 'to the wonder of us all my lord lent to you Shadowfax'.
Indeed, my lord, he lent it me awhile, and I gave him use for it--a double heart for his single one.
"But if you fear for me, lord, then lend me some of your people."