Though the Czech economy grew 2.8 percent last year, the loosely regulated stock market is all but dead.
"At best, the nation's 1.7 million miles of gas pipelines are loosely regulated by overburdened regulators."
Dietary supplements are loosely regulated under a 1994 law.
Most are licensed but they remain loosely regulated.
It is estimated that there are 3,000 loosely regulated bodyguard companies competing to provide personal security.
This led to a rapid expansion of loosely regulated private mines.
Officials now concede that for years these industries were loosely regulated.
In the United States, dolphin commerce is loosely regulated, and many countries have no rules at all.
Either way, when people say banks are loosely regulated, it's just not true.
Hedge funds, while loosely regulated and often opaque to outsiders now, don't have to be that way to function.