It was a loosely formed and governed group which enjoyed only moderate success over its 30 years of existence.
The second through fourth films loosely form a trilogy, with the later plots building on elements of the earlier ones.
Loosely form it into a square on the table, taking care not to deflate it.
For The Shadow's plans, loosely formed at first, were tightening.
In others, they are stacked or linear, though not with any sort of precise order and acting more like a loosely formed oriental rug.
Depending on the method used, the dreads will either be tightly back combed, or more loosely formed.
She had left the gathered air loosely formed, rather than focusing it to a sharp edge, or it would have torn him in two.
Zombies were loosely formed creatures, so naturally would have a justice of the piece, Imbri realized.
They are more like a loosely formed but tightly knit mutual admiration society - and they do much of their best work together.
In practice, it appeared as a loosely formed phalanx in function, but was far more flexible and deadly.