But as a society, or a loosely bound collection of societies, we have advanced.
My hands were bound loosely, my feet not at all.
The study of neurobiotics is only very loosely bound, and the technology far off.
The man's hands were loosely bound, and his scabbard was empty.
In this scenario, the electron is treated as free or loosely bound.
The strings loosely bind the arms and torso together to give flexibility for movement.
The plot is loosely bound, and some elements are superfluous.
The pulp was placed in a cloth and loosely bound around the injured area.
The larvae mine needles that are bound loosely with silk during summer and fall.
It becomes "the thread that loosely binds a scattered society," he wrote.
The loosely bound water between the layers is easily lost, so the mineral may effloresce.
The plot is loosely bound, and some elements are superfluous.
But as a society, or a loosely bound collection of societies, we have advanced.
The man's hands were loosely bound, and his scabbard was empty.
My hands were bound loosely, my feet not at all.
The pulp was placed in a cloth and loosely bound around the injured area.
The study of neurobiotics is only very loosely bound, and the technology far off.
The rock was loosely bound and easily scraped aside.
The larvae mine needles that are bound loosely with silk during summer and fall.
In this scenario, the electron is treated as free or loosely bound.