I'm just so many loose-leaf pages to you, and don't think I don't know it.
Local dignitaries filed onstage, along with Ovid Lamartine, who was carrying the loose-leaf pages of his speech.
The original printing consisted of forty loose-leaf pages in a zipper storage bag, with a light blue cover; only three hundred copies were printed for sale at Origins '79.
A loose-leaf page about fire doors.
She flicked back through a number of the loose-leaf pages, quickly at first and then slowing as the date that she was seeking came closer.
The manual, written for teachers, consists of 250 loose-leaf pages packed with a three-ring binder.
A binder supplied with loose-leaf pages to make a book is treated as part of the zero-rated supply whether titled or not.
Congressional clerks said it would take days to turn the loose-leaf pages of the budget bill and various annual appropriations measures into a formal document for the President's signature.
The well-planned manual, loose-leaf pages in a binder, is divided into two major sections and has appendixes.
Each directory contained thousands of loose-leaf pages and listings - 11,000 titles as of 1968.