Ayla noticed first that she wore loose bracelets on each arm, similar to the Sungaea dancer's.
Kylie stayed in one place, more or less, sometimes slowly assuming impossible positions which she held, and other times making acrobatic movements, which caused the loose bracelets she wore on each arm to rattle as emphasis.
Quickly Pippin took it in his fingers and knotted it again into a loose bracelet of two loops and slipped it over his hands.
"You've got to be kidding," I said, holding my wrist up for inspection, the remaining bracelet dangling loose.
Users of chains do not believe they cause the horse pain, stating that it creates a similar feeling as a loose bracelet would around the wrist of a person.
Then several coils of ivy wrapped themselves around my wrists in loose bracelets, and all those paranoid, fearful thoughts dropped away.
As Sam slipped the rubber band over his wrist (it hung there like a loose bracelet), a gust of wind strong enough to rattle the windows shook the building.