Cassoulet of game was a loose amalgam of chunky venison, pheasant and rabbit, three kinds of beans, and vegetables in a delicious brothy stew, not French style but luscious nonetheless.
His party, Movement Toward Socialism, is a loose amalgam of competing social groups.
Mr. Arafat's apologists maintain that his hands are tied by deep divisions within the P.L.O, a loose amalgam of armed factions.
Thus the angst and suffering seemed very much secondhand, like a loose amalgam of Sondheim with touches of Weill as heard through a closed door.
Formerly, Milhaud had been a part of Les Six, the loose 1920's amalgam of French composers that included the subtle Francis Poulenc and the not-so-subtle Arthur Honegger.
Les Enragés (literally "the Enraged Ones") were a loose amalgam of radicals active during the French Revolution.
Diller and his tiny band were also being hounded by Fox's new affiliate stations - a loose amalgam of mostly low-power UHF channels that were hard for viewers to find.
The house is a loose amalgam of several real-life places.
Instead, the images now reaching American living rooms from Central Asia and the Middle East are delivered by a loose amalgam of companies from around the world.
"What the evidence at trial has correctly portrayed, is that it's really a loose amalgam of people with a shared ideology, but a very limited direction."