Fox's show also adopted a looser, more irreverent approach than its predecessors.
Inasmuch as the Knicks have begun to take to Nelson's looser approach, the preseason was revealing for the coach.
Composers began exploring different, looser approaches to tonality (the key-centered-ness of a piece of music).
American groups take a looser approach, arguing that the music has continued to evolve and that its instrumentation should not be frozen.
As the Internet has facilitated rapid and inexpensive distribution of software, companies have begun to take a looser approach to use of the word "beta".
The scale (162 x 130cms) allows for a much looser approach pictorially, the ambition being to abandon portraiture as such and be left with painting.
It is as if water dissolved visual consistency and launched Mr. Johnson toward a looser, more sculptural approach.
The two other works in the exhibition take a looser approach to narrative.
The duo went for a looser approach in the studio and attempted to capture a more live feel.
But he was also criticized by Congressional leaders and consumer groups for the looser regulatory approach that they contend led to some of the agency's problems.