Sadly, this streching at the top end of management not taking place at the looped end of a hangman's noose.
As a distracted Josh reaches for the tape, Tammi quickly throws the looped end of the mooring rope around his neck.
Another man gave Rex the looped end of the wire rope.
I put him on the lead and secured its looped end to a snap fastener fixed to my belt for this purpose.
I got her up and put her foot in the looped end of the rope, passing it round her body under the arms.
She broke off sharply as she saw the smaller man touching the aircar here and there with the looped end of a heavy wire held in one gloved hand.
Then he lay flat on the rough iron bars while he swung the looped end of the rope back toward Neena.
He bounced its looped end against his hand as he walked over to where Lutie held Jack.
He reached for her reluctant hand, passed the looped end of the leash over her fingers.