You show you have a sense of humour, unlike some of the other more precious english journalists who make Thierry Henry look like someone with the skin of a Rhino!
While I looked a mess with both eyes blackened and the skin on each side of my face purple with scab, I was in excellent shape.
"Do you ever wonder why things look better with the skin off?"
Which, to answer the question so elegantly posed at the beginning of this column, is why things look better with the skin off.
But George Smith could only look at the little man with the sun-dark skin and the clear sharp eyes and say the man's name once, in a whisper, to himself.
The front end looked like the top half of a man with the skin taken off.
Catrin had burned her face when she was a little girl when a kettle fell off the fire and scalded her, and her face looked terrible with the skin all shiny and pink and wrinkled.
He looked older than the others, with the tanned skin and steady crow's-footed eyes of a game hunter and marksman.
Daja looked at the speaker-a young man with the pale skin and fair hair of a western Namornese.
Here are the freshest ways to look amazing with the skin and hair you're in.