The point was to keep some of the garrison looking southwards, so that not every man could be thrown against the assault on the breaches.
For a few moments longer Centaine hesitated, turning to look away southwards, torn and desperate.
The main rooms face the garden, looking southwards, while the servant's quarters in the row behind are on the north side of the building.
Amazed, I climbed the nearest rise and looked southwards.
The front of the main house looks southwards over formal gardens.
It stands in a small park on the hillside looking southwards across the lower town.
He saw Harper look nervously southwards as he stove in the second punt.
We would also be able to look southwards down the length of the inlet to the two small islands that protected the final anchorage.
'It will not be long now,' said the Director looking eagerly southwards.
One day he was sitting on one of the outer branches of the tree, looking southwards after his home.