Instead, she looked skywards.
The preacher held his hands together and looking skywards said, 'Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.'
When the dust settled, all we could see was blokes looking skywards and waving.
A few of them looked skywards as though they expected a lightning bolt from the heavens to strike and slay me.
She is wearing a helmet with a raised visor and she looks skywards.
The last shots of the film show the happy couple, confident in the future, looking skywards where squadrons of German bombers fly past.
Having struggled unsuccessfully to free itself, it can now do nothing but look skywards hoping for a divine intervention that will never come.
McIlroy opened his arms wide and looked skywards when his putt dropped on 13.
Lee held out her hands, looking skywards.
"Sometimes for one thing, sometimes for another, Nanny," answered Diamond, looking skywards as he climbed.