Circles in all four walls looked ominously like the barrels of disruptors aimed straight at them.
Most but not all-and those which didn't look puzzled wore masked expressions that looked ominously like anxiety.
The weather, after looking ominously like rain, began to improve.
It will also paint a portrait of the new Russia that looks ominously like the old.
Potbury had wheeled around and was looking at him ominously.
The eye tyrant continued to melt the rock away, shaping something that looked ominously like a doorway.
Missiles in tremendous number, then, and this was starting to look ominously like a Japanese movie.
The club deuce looked ominously like a singleton, and this increased the danger of a diamond overruff by East.
Two grim faces were turned to look ominously at him.
The bone looked ominously like a human ulna.