He turned away and stood looking indecisively into the animal hold.
She looked indecisively around, then seemed to make up her mind and she hugged him hard.
He stood for a moment, looking indecisively at the pile of clothes he had worn yesterday.
He looked indecisively for a moment at their faces.
Maisy looked indecisively from Alexandra's face to the coin, then to Sebastian's implacable countenance.
Untcher looked about him indecisively.
More lancers fall, and the others look indecisively, then spur their horses back uphill, trying to escape the arrows.
The Prince's mother comes in to comfort him, but becoming nervous by the situation's intimacy, leaves, looking over her shoulder indecisively.
He stood a minute, looking indecisively at the buckram backs.
Tommy looked at it indecisively as the motion of the scanning waves brought him nearer.