Half a mile further on she looked round in the faint hope that it might have recovered itself and followed.
People who were ill looked toward temples in the hope of having dreams where the god would reveal cures.
I looked about in the hope of seeing a note, but there was none.
Millions of people look to us in the hope of leading normal lives.
He handed her to Maggie and got to his feet, looking toward the ranch house in the hope of seeing what had prompted the shot.
She looked around in the hope of recognising some landmarks.
We look forward to negotiations with the Senate in the hope of achieving such a bill.
It may be that we are now looking toward them, in the hope of doing the same.
I was exposed to all the likely looking young men in the hope that one of them would marry me.
I stood with my back to the window, horribly tempted to look again in the futile hope I'd made a mistake the first time.