Before they had finished the meal, Master Scoyt was looking fretful.
She looked fretful and unsettled, and her braided hair was coming loose on one side.
The three men looked tired and fretful.
Waiting outside the accountancy offices was Dolly Walthers, looking fretful and bored.
He stared up the ravine and looked fretful.
So was Dominguez, looking fretful even through his faceplate.
As her husband spoke, Kisuk Shin looked fretful, but she waited him out and then wondered aloud if he should have revealed this.
One afternoon she is in the living room when Jason, a fourth grader, comes in, looking fretful.
His mother continued to look fretful.
She waited at the church for half an hour before Clara Leash appeared, looking fretful.