He was wholly alone, and his first act was to walk to the balustrade and look dizzily down at the endless, Cyclopean city almost two thousand feet below.
I looked dizzily, and beheld a wide expanse of ocean, whose waters wore so inky a hue as to bring at once to my mind the Nubian geographer's account of the Mare Tenebrarum.
He looked at it dizzily.
Sitting up she looked dizzily about her.
She staggered back, then looked at him dizzily.
Fetched up against the bole of a tree whose trunk had been sheared off either in the initial accident or the ensuing explosion, he looked dizzily up to see an oily fireball consume the car, the blue sky, and finally his consciousness.
"Corona Mundi - Roof of the World - " All sorts of fantastic phrases sprang to our lips as we looked dizzily down at the unbelievable spectacle.
The staircase was a spiral with high, narrow wooden treads, and now and then Blake passed a clouded window looking dizzily out over the city.
Murfree looked dizzily at Bud Gregory, who grinned uneasily.
He looked dizzily up at a richly painted ceiling that stretched beyond the edges of his vision.