His gaze is not focused, as if he is looking past the viewer, and his eyes look very despondent.
Her parents were pleased, although her mother looked despondent too.
The last time anybody saw him he was sitting on a hillside reading 'Catcher in the Rye' and looking pretty despondent.
He'd never seen him look so despondent.
Piedro Alar, looking even more despondent than usual, mounted a fine horse.
"He looked frail and very despondent," Ms. Norden said.
It was a salmon, albeit a tiny salmon that looked more despondent than I had been.
I felt he needed it, for he sat looking quite despondent and asked what on earth I thought I was going to do.
They looked bedraggled and despondent, after a heavy downpour of rain.
'Well, then, will you tell me why you were looking so despondent, dear Kate?'