Deceptively looking like modern dance, their choreography also has a ballet base.
"Contenders" has similar close-ups of nuanced relationships developing within what deceptively looks like pure movement executed with athletic skill.
Indeed, the course of the game will look deceptively as though the opponent were just tending to his knitting.
His body looks deceptively at ease, though his is a pose that requires extraordinary physical control.
Fuji's addition to the realm of 35-millimeter cameras looks deceptively like a box of film, complete with cardboard packaging.
Mrs. Zulu, her head shaven in the traditional custom of bereavement, looked deceptively well.
And their red-hot Dyson spheres would look deceptively like red giant or supergiant stars.
We wended our way through rolling hills and draws that all looked deceptively alike.
The only thing I can think of is that some shots, because of the way they are fired, look deceptively fast.
Dark or fondly affectionate, on the surface most of his books look deceptively alike.