If you try to look at his behavior in this light, you will understand many things which puzzle and pain you now.
But when we were married, my wife looked at my behavior as a liability.
In order to properly speculate about whether Batman suffers from antisocial personality disorder, you must first look at his basic behavior.
It is time for physicians to look at their own behavior to see what they can do to help correct this.
"We looked at their behavior very carefully," she added.
Two intriguing recent papers look closely at knowledgeable investors' behavior to sort out these explanations, and both point to synchronization problems.
And I looked at his behavior, his attention span, the way he reacted to birds, people, television.
Look at his behavior: Cutting the finger off the cabbie and carrying it around.
By looking at his behavior, Douglas would say.
After all, look at our behavior in Afghanistan.