He also was a longtime manager in minor league baseball.
Several years ago, his longtime manager had twins, one of whom, at age 3, contracted the virus from a transfusion and died.
He has averaged three and a half "extra" victories in those 14 seasons, the most of any longtime manager.
Kim Brinster, the store's longtime manager, said business surged after people learned that the store was to close.
Blood will be the first album since the band have parted ways with longtime manager, Blasko.
Almost every longtime manager or coach has complained at one point or another that youngsters are brought to the major leagues too quickly.
He was also a longtime manager of two grain elevators.
Mr. Blair is a former vice president and a large shareholder; the others are longtime managers.
The cause was a heart attack, said her longtime manager, Lynda Wells.
Amy Austin, the longtime general manager, was promoted to publisher in 2003.