Ellen D. Murphy Dear Diary: As is his longtime habit, my husband was sketching his fellow passengers on the No. 7 train to Queens.
The boy king's enthusiastic road patrols had at least brought this longtime habit back to the Vale, though men still went in larger groups than in olden days, and always well armed.
He opened his laptop and rewrote these notes onto his hard drive, changing, tinkering, rethinking as he did so, a longtime habit of his.
After talking with her doctor, she realized that her longtime habit of eating leafy greens was putting her at risk.
As Sidney headed out of town, she decided to keep her emotions in check and let longtime habits take over.
Because I had the longtime habit, inherited from my grandfather, of reading out loud whatever little things in the newspaper happened to catch my attention, I said: "Hmm.
There is clear evidence of his longtime habit of cribbing from himself, either by working from reproductions or drawings or from other paintings in the studio.
To be sure, there are risks involved in trying to alter longtime habits.
A few more hits wouldn't hurt, and perhaps a bit less sitting back and waiting for the long ball, a longtime habit.
He characterized Seeger as "someone with a longtime habit of following the party line" who had only "eventually" parted ways with the CPUSA.