If you are discomfited by such a condition, you could seek out a longtime angling buddy.
The film is so much from the heart that the two actors who play Mr. Casey's friends in the film are longtime buddies.
Her longtime buddy and fellow Kabbalah enthusiast Madonna, whose ex-husband Sean Penn was also spotted at the bash.
The first involves a pair of longtime buddies who are participating in their annual unsuccessful fishing trip.
But Ross' longtime buddy, Denny Rogers, gets the nod for getting the latecomer hooked on his true passion: bow hunting.
With longtime buddies Salvatore Scafidi, Sonny Valenti, Michael Ciancaglini, and George Borgesi, he was known to beat up people, rob people, and start fights in clubs.
She disappears on the 2nd day of her return after meeting up with her longtime buddy, Rachel.
We are longtime outdoor buddies.
But one thing has changed among the longtime buddies: the lunchtime conversation.
Pearl enrolls in the Arts Academy with her best friend and longtime buddy Jonathan (Gian Carlos), who has secretly harboured romantic feelings for her.