"With such a split Republican field, there's an opportunity for the Democrats to finish one, two," said John Maginnis, a longtime analyst of Louisiana politics.
"It is time to start telling people the truth," said Laurence Kotlikoff, a professor of economics at Boston University and a longtime analyst of the issue.
"What this terrorist organization symbolizes must be destroyed at any price," Zeev Schiff, a longtime military analyst, wrote in Haaretz, a liberal daily.
Mary Ann Keller, a longtime analyst and author, said, "they're careening from one mess to another," adding, "the only thing that could make things better is a major restructuring."
Mr. Jones's speech was a case study in effective Washington wit, according to some longtime analysts of political humor.
John Callaway, a longtime political analyst for the local public television station, noted that prosecutors had 30 cooperating witnesses, including several former city commissioners and personnel chiefs.
Yet, in spite of the bullish sentiment, longtime analysts worry about the sustainability of this year's gains.
Such talk has even longtime analysts of the computer industry shaking their heads in amazement.
"On issues such as safety standards and health standards, the governments may wink at violations now," said a longtime Western analyst in Thailand.
"People call it 'Kelly's Castle,' " said Mark Plotkin, a longtime analyst of District politics.