Robert Shrum, a mayoral media adviser, said the new ads raised more questions about Mr. Giuliani's record, in keeping with the campaign's longstanding strategy.
But that longstanding strategy may be crumbling under the pressure of public denunciations and new legal threats against the cigarette manufacturers.
To Mr. Mellody, an investment specialist at Morgan Stanley, paying that kind of money for home movies was just one more step in the longstanding parental strategy of spending money to save time.
The Pentagon's most senior planners are challenging the longstanding strategy that requires the armed forces to be prepared to fight two major wars at a time.
Implicit in these force levels is a shift away from the longstanding American strategy to be able to fight two big wars at once.
The focus on economic targets is consistent with Al Qaeda's stated ideological goals and longstanding strategy.
A spokeswoman called the latest ads "a validation of our longstanding strategy of evolving from expert personality to quality product to trusted brand labels."
That isn't surprising: contrarian investing is a longstanding strategy.
The F.C.C. ruling last week will make it much more difficult for Clear Channel to continue its longstanding strategy of growth through station acquisitions.
All the art builds on the longstanding Conceptual strategy of making the response of the viewer part of the work.