Aside from cost, some have longstanding plans to open the beach house or go to the annual family barbecue.
In addition, the president will again push his longstanding plan to create personal investment accounts for Social Security, the advisers said.
Pierre Cardin promises to make good on a longstanding plan to stage a couture show only once a year.
At the same time, they are reducing expectations and adjusting longstanding plans.
Russia has shelved its longstanding plan to switch to a volunteer army because it can't pay enough to recruit soldiers.
He described the diversion more as an act of desperation than a longstanding plan.
Judge Kelly said that as a result of the threats, he had canceled longstanding plans to dine out with his wife and friends tonight.
In 2005, following longstanding plans, the foundation announced its final grants and closed its doors.
State emergency relief coordinators checked their longstanding plans for handling a disaster.
Those conditions mean that a longstanding plan to relieve serious crowding is now in serious jeopardy.