A longstanding bias in favor of sons over daughters has taken a harsh toll when combined with Beijing's one-child policy.
MacKay's administrative aide, Greg Farmer, disputes that and says Longman was going to be discharged anyway, because of his longstanding bias on issues affecting the elderly.
"Like with coyotes, there's a traditional longstanding cultural bias against this animal," he said.
That might be expected in the restaurants and shopping malls of a huge metropolitan area with three hockey teams and a longstanding bias toward the Rangers of Manhattan.
But the reductions did not succeed in eliminating the other, more longstanding, bias noted by the series of reports on the tax.
After all, even a brief examination of the Muppet canon reveals a definite and longstanding liberal bias:
Before we start on Amtrak, I should confess a longstanding bias.
The Senate bill provides $123.5 billion, also for five years, but overturns Washington's longstanding bias toward highways and concrete.
Pop critics are currently in the throes of post-"rockist" revisionism, thinking through their longstanding biases against commercial pop music.
As the European Union evolves, longstanding biases against the United States are dissipating, at least in some quarters.