Moreover, even among the networks, auctions were often tempered by a respect for certain longstanding associations.
London maintained a longstanding association with Lulu, as both a songwriter and producer.
It has a longstanding religious association, with an early Christian church having been built there possibly as long ago as the 8th century CE.
Tate's most longstanding association came in 1965, when he became musical director for the Miss World Pageant.
Davis was likely to have known the firm because of his longstanding association with the B&O railroad.
The longstanding association has resulted in a highly developed working relationship.
He has longstanding associations with news organizations and business journals.
They usually also have a longstanding association with the bank or have regularly channeled their business banking through the institution.
He has a longstanding creative association with the conductor Valery Gergiev.
In other words, this is a longstanding personal and academic association that predates my entry into politics, and its character has not changed since then.