By comfortable, longstanding arrangement, the pros have agreed not to take players until their college classes graduated.
The President also terminated a longstanding arrangement in which some Senate staff members were permitted to review the material.
In ancient China there is evidence that in some cases two clans had a longstanding arrangement wherein they would only marry members of the other clan.
With the euro came new laws that made it easier for European companies to end longstanding cross-shareholding arrangements, freeing up cash.
"I have been around too long to underestimate the difficulty of changing longstanding structural arrangements, old habits, and vested bureaucratic interests," he said today.
The letter tacitly confirmed a longstanding arrangement under which judges channel legal business to party leaders, undermining the impartiality of local courts in Brooklyn.
Italian officials said the assailant had passed himself off as a Portuguese journalist with a longstanding arrangement to interview the former King.
In December reports were published of yet another English council withdrawing from its longstanding twinning arrangement with an overseas local authority.
Under longstanding arrangements, the city imports blood from Europe - the only place in the United States that does.
But the Daals have other longstanding arrangements, you know.