He did not elaborate, but his words were understood to echo longstanding accusations that Pakistan had always had a hand in stirring up Indian violence.
Within the audience that already mistrusted climatologists, there was a strong sense that longstanding accusations of conspiracy had been confirmed.
The officials said the evidence went well beyond longstanding American accusations that Iraq was seeking to evade the sanctions, but they declined to provide details.
The department said statements by Mr. Ritter, whose book lends support to longstanding Iraqi accusations that United Nations inspection teams were riddled with American spies, were "consistent only in their inconsistency."
The government was responding to popular support to have the trials and settle longstanding accusations dating to the liberation war of 1971.
Mr. Ritter's book lends support to longstanding Iraqi accusations that United Nations inspection teams were riddled with American spies.
(Graham's outrage was due to the longstanding accusations that Abdullah was infecting wrestlers with hepatitis C through sharing a blade and/or cutting wrestlers without their knowledge.)
That offered Mr. Blair, whose political standing has suffered badly from his alliance with Mr. Bush on Iraq, some relief from the longstanding accusation that he took the country to war under false pretenses.
Archbishop McGrath said he and other bishops in the country wrote the Pope and "repeated our longstanding accusations against Noriega for his violation of human rights."
Even in his own element, talk radio, Mr. Buchanan today found himself fighting off longstanding accusations of racism, anti-Semitism and fascism.