The term refers to the longitudinal profile of a glaciated valley that has several consecutive hanging valleys.
The courses of water come from a longitudinal profile and are very turbulent with brusque changes in course, generated by waterfalls and rapids.
This information is then used to track rainfall events or dam releases along the longitudinal profile.
Curvature is exogastric, meaning the lower, or ventral, side is convex in longitudinal profile.
The siphuncle swelling at the apex is subtriangular in longitudinal profile.
Procedures for measuring both longitudinal and transverse profiles are described.
The longitudinal profile of the number of charged particles can be parameterized by the Gaisser-Hillas function.
The venter is almost uniformly convex in longitudinal profile.
Knickpoint, also called a nick point or simply nick, represents breaks in slopes in the longitudinal profile of a river caused by rejuvenation.
They have convex-up longitudinal profiles.