Well, it's rather a longish story, you know.
The tale began in 1949 as a longish short story published in the SF magazine Astounding.
Mr. Hodgson's later volume, Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder, consists of several longish short stories published many years before in magazines.
She finally married Jim Riley, the dope dealer from Dayton -but that's another, rather longish, story, and not truly relevant.
'It's a longish story,' I warned them.
Perry's vivid sense of his neighbors' inner lives is given its fullest exercise in the longish story "Blue Boy."
Robinson's critically acclaimed first book, Traplines (1995), was a collection of four longish short stories.
I was (am) working from a longish story and so there are a whole lot of preconeptions on it that I needed (still need) to let go.
Three longish short stories that invoke the meditative and retrospective powers of the form to show us people whose interior lives enable them to survive in the ordinary world.
Pick one of the short stories and list the scenes (a longish story works best for this).