One longer-term question is whether major sporting events that fans have been accustomed to seeing for free may one day be available only on cable.
The longer-term question, though, is around Microsoft's online services business.
If the initial issue is how to move forward, the longer-term question is how the event affects one's beliefs.
As to the longer-term question of fees, he said, "That issue shouldn't be addressed in an enforcement action, but is an issue for the commission."
Now the emphasis has to be on longer-term questions.
But the longer-term question is whether the space station will have enough power to keep operating.
The longer-term political question is whether the Administration can close ranks as it goes into the home stretch in negotiating a new missile accord.
The longer-term question is this: how can we develop a policy that guarantees stability and peace for the entire region in the long term?
The longer-term question is whether the scandal will change that.
The longer-term question will be whether the Asian turmoil means world growth is likely to slow significantly.