Administration officials stressed that only those last two items, which are longer-term projects, hinge on an end to Russian nuclear sales to Iran.
They were also rated on longer-term projects, such as predicting and recording weather changes for several weeks.
This is a longer-term project that needs regular involvement.
Yet executives and analysts also say the prevailing mentality discouraged longer-term projects like hybrid engines.
Throughout the morning they work on writing deadline pieces inspired by recent news, as well as longer-term projects.
That will be a much longer-term project.
An additional $74 million has been earmarked for longer-term projects like classrooms, clinics and water, sewage and telephone lines.
They need to start on that tomorrow, today even, rather than talk about some of the other longer-term projects.
This short term makes it difficult for leaders to accomplish longer-term projects, but the tribe has not changed its constitution.
Returning to San Francisco in 1969, Carter turned to longer-term projects.