More crucially, they could also be having a negative impact on your medium- to longer-term objectives, if you don't take steps to review them now.
To ensure that your policy is followed by all employees, you will need to set and monitor short-term targets and longer-term objectives.
Focusing on profit goals is a distraction from longer-term objectives that enhance growth, the company said.
But the longer-term objective here is that Apple stores are the place people are going to go to switch, to buy their first Mac.
Without increased demand we are not in a position to pursue our longer-term objectives.
Gorbachev's early speeches gave relatively little attention to the longer-term objectives he had in mind for Soviet society.
Your strategic plan should contain longer-term objectives and explain the strategies for reaching these.
This might be a longer-term objective, but it is not one for today.
It is important to say that there is a longer-term objective and target for what we have to do in order to fight climate change.
So we will make sure we embed short-term measures to get Europe working again into our longer-term objectives, promoting jobs through sustainable growth.