The main questions which the project will focus upon are: Has privatisation laid the foundation for longer-term change in employee relations?
Economists and scientists have identified longer-term changes - from global warming to China's economic growth to a lack of productive farmland - as the culprits.
Advertising is down and no one can quite tell to what extent the decline is a short-term, recession-based episode or the first wave of a longer-term secular change.
Those changes have taken place against some longer-term changes in agriculture.
The board is calling for longer-term change as well: a sociological transformation to ensure that the worries of engineers can be heard and explored.
If my second criterion is to be fulfilled, during associative learning in Aplysia there must be longer-term cellular changes which match the longer-term change in behaviour.
"Greenhouse gas warming is a little blip on the screen, compared to longer-term changes we're going to see here," said another independent scientist who has seen the statement.
The big questions are: is the Pirates' electoral success a culturally specific blip, or a pointer to longer-term political change?
Adaptation has two linked meanings, both implying longer-term hereditary changes.
This causes longer-term changes to follow a Gaussian distribution.