Khrushchev had stated a longer-term aim of giving Soviet workers the shortest working hours in the world, aiming for a 30-35 hour week by 1968.
Initially we are working with prisoners to improve their publication "Voice of the Ville", with the longer-term aim of expanding the project to multimedia platforms.
Staff have worked with prisoners to improve their publication, with the longer-term aim to expand the project to include podcasting and film production.
But the Riadys' longer-term aim in China is clear.
The longer-term aim remains to create a system which will be able to handle as much as possible of our image data, including Photographic and Library resources.
A longer-term aim is the rebuilding of the demolished island platform building.
However, this may be regarded as a longer-term aim.
The longer-term aim is to translate these discoveries to breeding programmes through the development of rational breeding concepts.
Knight says serious investors with longer-term aims are replacing the high-speed, high-volume share traders of last winter's frenzy.
Dumouriez was equally optimistic about the operation's longer-term aim 'to deprive England for ever of her finest port and greatest naval establishment':