The figure was no longer distinguishable as the wretched and ill-clad monstrosity which had cast an evil shadow across his porch but two short weeks ago.
Within 28 days, memory problems vanished and the subjects "were no longer distinguishable from the comparison group".
Its color was no longer distinguishable and half the windows were missing.
As time passed, the Shetland and Welsh breeds were no longer distinguishable and the new breed, Petiso Argentino, was created.
Fischer (1997) reports that bits flake off upon handling, and in parts even the fluting is no longer distinguishable.
The sun and moon were no longer distinguishable as such but had become continuous lines of light weaving in fantastic patterns through space, similarly the whirling constellations.
In 1998 this was integrated with the title music, and the dots and dashes are no longer distinguishable.
At this time, objects are no longer distinguishable, and the horizon is no longer visible to the naked eye.
By 2006 many headstones were in such bad condition that the names were no longer distinguishable.
It can no longer be determined because it is no longer distinguishable.