As well, long-time writers Holtham and Olson retired, and did not write for this or any subsequent reunion show.
Downey is best known as a long-time writer for Saturday Night Live.
Seigfried is also a long-time writer on boxing for East Side Boxing.
A comprehensive compilation of companies pursuing this goal is maintained on a website by a long-time writer who has diabetes.
February 10: Steve Gerber, long-time writer, and creator of Howard the Duck, passes away from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
France Herron and Fred Ray were the long-time writer and artist of DC's Tomahawk.
The episode was written by Jon Vitti, a long-time writer of The Simpsons.
Kevin Dilmore (born June 22 1964) was a newspaper reporter and long-time contributing writer to Star Trek Communicator Magazine before breaking into fiction writing.
The producers had originally chosen not to use Richard Maibaum, long-time writer for the series; he died in 1991.
One of the authors of the Murtha article was Marc Morano, a long-time writer and producer for Rush Limbaugh.