Il Progresso had name recognition and the loyalty of many long-time readers.
You may be saying to yourself, "Hey, that name sounds familiar as a long-time reader of this blog?"
Happy Holidays to you and yours - long-time reader (I think a couple of years) but only just now starting to comment.
As a long-time reader and a big fan of your devoted posts about the Squirrely, I know how much you adore your son.
To be honest, it can get kind of formulaic and boring to long-time readers.
I believe a good many of my long-time readers, who have borne my fascination with this subject patiently, will be glad to hear that.
I tried to find the exact post but, well, long-time readers also know what the forum search is like.
A long-time reader of the genre, she got into science fiction fandom in 2001, attending the Millennium Philcon.
As such, fans and long-time readers may notice a decline in quality for subsequent comics, though this is not always true.