"We consider this action to be inconsistent with the law, our contract, and perhaps, most important, the long-term welfare of the sport," Fehr said.
But that can never satisfy your long-term welfare.
Power and term decisions, the hi&h cunningly divided: the king controlled short- priest those on which the long-term welfare of the people depended.
Land was divided into regions designed for both the immediate needs of the populace and the long-term welfare of the environment.
Prudent management of the Reserve Fund will be vital for the long-term welfare of the country.
He really didn't care about her long-term welfare, only about his victory in the contest.
The idea is to pay up to 90 percent of the welfare grant to a private employer willing to hire a long-term welfare recipient.
"But to have done otherwise would make it harder to restore the business that is so important to the long-term welfare of these families."
She fits perfectly the profile of the long-term welfare recipient.
Several parents also expressed concern for the long-term welfare of their children with disabilities, particularly after a parent retires from the Marine Corps.