When these traders talk about the dollar at the end of the year - for them, a long-term prediction - there is no consensus.
Whether or not the long-term predictions come true, for the moment individual investors continue to flee.
Their long-term predictions of how events would play out had been correct until now, so Kes was inclined to believe them.
I've been writing about Apple long enough to have caught up with some of my long-term predictions, and I want to hold myself accountable.
In order to improve long-term predictions of global climate change, we need more information about the current and changing environment.
By including more data into climate models, the accuracy and precision of long-term predictions can be improved.
He will not make any long-term predictions or peer into any crystal ball, though.
Moreover, the confidence intervals found hold for a long-term prediction.
It may be impossible to make long-term predictions for a highly complex system such as an economy.
Scientists can make reasonably accurate long-term predictions when it comes to earthquake location.