Several factors will contribute to a long-term increase in wholesale natural-gas prices, he said.
The stable, long-term increase in breast size was 55 per cent (range 15-115%).
They also worry that the project would lead to a vast, long-term increase above the several hundred tons of stored waste already on site.
Hypertrophy is an adaptive response to a long-term increase in pressure.
This is the way, they claim, to bring long-term increases in output and employment.
A long-term increase in oil prices could sweep aside many such objections, said advocates of renewable energy.
The long-term increase in the Sun's output cannot be a cause of ice ages.
White (2011) was, however, unsure of whether or not this represented a long-term increase in the rate.
The consequence is likely to be a long-term increase in violence.
The findings suggest kidney donation is associated with a slight, but potentially significant, long-term increase in pressure.