We're trying to be the best we can be in '07 while trying to improve our long-term hopes as well.
Well, so much for any long-term hopes there, hmm?
Suddenly, the Mets seem to have more long-term hope than the Yankees, who began the week as the oldest team in the majors.
But the long-term hopes of the resistance workers were crushed.
"Economically, the real long-term hope for this market lies in mobilizing domestic capital."
Listening to Marbury's take, there seemed little long-term hope of reconciliation.
No matter what their long-term hopes and aspirations toward freedom, the Soviets have a low tolerance for chaos and disorder.
It must not be allowed to become dictated by others who do not share our long-term hopes and goals.
The long-term hope is a significant decrease in the city's reliance on fossil fuels.
Times remain hard, after all, and the egalitarian buzzword of the new Clinton age, sacrifice, as yet offers more long-term hope than short-term help.