So while few short-term side effects were reported, the possible long-term hazards of St. John's wort remain unknown.
However satisfying to the Mayor in the short term, there are long-term hazards to tampering with the city's fundamental structure.
Although virtually nothing is known about possible long-term hazards, no obvious adverse effects have been linked to creatine use.
Half-life is only 15 hours, so this isotope is not a long-term hazard.
Longer-life radioisotopes, typically caesium-137 and strontium-90, present a long-term hazard.
It also conducts and supports research on long-term seismic hazards.
Remember to think about long-term hazards to health (eg high levels of noise or exposure to harmful substances).
FK-506 has shown little evidence of toxicity in humans so far, but its long-term hazards are unknown.
They are designed to eliminate the long-term humanitarian hazard and to make their retrieval for use against American forces impossible.
Occasionally, years pass after a drug is marketed before unsuspected long-term hazards are detected.