Business considers such workers long-term employees and is likely to invest more in their training and place them on a faster track.
But Zachary's has a core of long-term employees who are committed to keeping the restaurant vital.
Twelve years ago, the people who came through our doors were all long-term employees.
Some companies are setting up transition plans, promising to pay long-term employees at least as much as they would have received under a traditional plan.
"When jobs are at a premium and you want to give the impression you'll be a long-term employee, gray carries that psychological message."
"They have learned that even people who are profoundly disabled can be excellent long-term employees," she said.
The construction created 10,000 short-term jobs and the operation of pipeline requires 1,000 long-term employees across a 40 year period.
We're selling ourselves as an oasis for industries that need long-term employees.
His economic management of the company was so successful that it now has no long-term employees.
Now, in the name of cost-cutting, long-term employees are too often the first to go.