A more extensive evaluation, including an assessment of effects on long-term earnings, is currently planned for completion in 1999.
The stock carries a price-to-earnings ratio of almost 13, double the company's long-term earnings growth rate.
"The market is going to favor companies with long-term positive earnings, not asset plays."
At the same time, the company said long-term earnings would be up.
"All three have better-than-average asset quality and long-term earnings growth prospects," he said.
Therefore, men are statistically more likely to enter careers that have more potential for higher long-term earnings than women.
The long-term earnings growth projections we're using for technology are not particularly aggressive.
"We look for quality companies with consistent long-term earnings, good brand names or a well-managed enduring franchise," he said.
These numbers translate into long-term earnings growth rates of 15 to 20 percent a year.
But the company is an industry leader, he said, with a good competitive structure and strong long-term earnings growth prospects.