One year ago, Team New Zealand was hoping to establish long-term dominance in the America's Cup, the world's most prestigious yacht racing competition.
The message from Ohio is that long-term dominance by a political machine leads to corruption, regardless of the policies that machine follows or the ideology it claims to represent.
The treaty put an end to the Spanish Empire in the Americas and marked the beginning of United States expansion and long-term political dominance in the region.
Safari's long-term dominance in mobile is clear.
NBC, unlike the other networks, has not created a blockbuster reality show, and, at least partly as a result, has seen its long-term dominance among younger adults falter over the last six weeks.
He held the highest office of state, the consulship, no fewer than seven times, an unprecedented level of long-term dominance of the political process.
Its author, the statistician Jeff Sonas, concluded that only Kasparov and Karpov surpassed Lasker's long-term dominance of the game.
They believed that the only solution was to submit gracefully to a historical inevitability - the long-term dominance of Europe by Germany.
The station rarely refreshes their graphical image package, having only done so three times since 1995, but has maintained long-term dominance in local ratings for most of its history.
Here, on an open and easily accessible stage, the day-to-day struggles that determine long-term evolutionary dominance are on unusually clear display.