For West Germany, the long-term disadvantages of a too-strong dollar would outweigh any benefits for exporters.
The question is whether Blockbuster's late arrival will be a long-term disadvantage.
Standard & Poor's said the action reflected the carmakers' long-term "competitive disadvantages."
Not always through royal initiative, and certainly not by a deliberate policy, Edward I's reign witnessed some major developments much to the long-term disadvantage of the English church.
Representation of the long-term disadvantages of the scenario can be seen on Fig. 2.
"And you are surely ready with another lecture on the long-term disadvantage of using force to achieve a short-term objective," the sorcerer said contemptuously.
Thus it may not be only the antibiotics which are associated with long-term disadvantages but the great majority of the synthetic pharmaceutical drugs upon which modern medicine relies.
What man does for his own desires and comforts affects the complex total-of-life, the ecology, and his short-term gains can bring long-term disadvantages.
Do their large proportions of union workers put the Bells at a long-term disadvantage in a brutally competitive market where almost all of the other players use mostly nonunion labor?
He added: "We were going to be at a competitive disadvantage long-term."