He has also organized a number of festivals with long-term collaborators such as Joshua Bell and Tabea Zimmermann.
At school, he met Matthew Phillips (also known as "The Phil"), who became his long-term lyrical collaborator and friend.
Together, he and Pollack (his long-term collaborator) introduced concepts such as "allowable sequence of permutations" and "wiring diagram"
Every song featured in the film (at least 13) was also written by the cast or Guest's long-term musical collaborator C J Vanston.
They have performed frequently with live visuals from Medlo, long-term collaborators with the band.
Visser would go on to become her long-term collaborator.
The band's frontman, John Parish, would become her long-term collaborator.
"Certainly the fact that Lou and I are long-term collaborators and it's difficult to separate ourselves from each other."
Another long-term collaborator, the Topology ensemble of Brisbane.
He has had two long-term collaborators in his career, Anne Cunningham and Richard West.